Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Micah 1

If someone told you are smart, you might think maybe not, but what if 5 or 6 or more people begin to tell you the same thing. You are probably going to think they might be right. You might think OK here is another prophet of God with the same message. Maybe there's something to this message. However, it seems God's people keep making the same mistakes.
It's funny when people come to me after a message and this has happened throughout my ministry, they will say man that really spoke to me and I need to make some changes. Then next week same thing. I'm no different I fall into the same traps over and over again. I guess that's why Jesus is the "Good Shepard" and a shepard moves sheep and sheep are stupid. I know I'm stupid, but I'm learning and growing. We must be capable or God wouldn't keep calling us back to Him.

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