Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Amos 8-9

The last two chapters of Amos are a destroying and a rebuilding. I remember we took a group to West Virginia to do some mission work. My groups first assignment was to work on this old house that a family was currently living in. When we arrived we found the house in pretty bad condition. The tin roof was badly torn up. The ceiling was made of cardboard and plastic. There was no kitchen and the bathroom consisted of a tub with a water hose running in through a sizable hole in the wall. The entire front outside wall had about a foot of play (meaning I could push or pull the entire wall 1 foot in either direction). So, our question was, "how do we fix this?" Our host for the week (a godly man) said, "let's burn it down". My thought was I can't wait to burn someones house down for the Glory of God. How were we really helping? The family agreed and they moved in to a single wide trailer with some family, with the promise of rebuilding. We pulled all the tin off and lit it up. In the process we blew up the pump and destroyed their well. Way to do the Lord's work. I must admit I was pretty discouraged, but later that week our host received a call from another group out of Pennsylvania. The wanted to come and build a house in the area. They were coming in about 2 months and bringing a crew of 70 people and several contractors. Within 3 months this family had a brand new home. It was simple, but it was a mansion to them. Sometimes thing have to be torn down in our lives so that they can be rebuilt better than ever.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Amos 7

So they want to kick Amos out. We all knew this was coming. You keep sharing God's message and you are bound to tick somebody off. Amaziah told Amos "get out and go prophesy somewhere else. You can't pray at school or display the 10 commandments at a courthouse. Take it somewhere else. Amos' response was, I didn't ask for this but God told me to come and prophesy, but if you won't listen, here's what you can expect. You will lose your wife to prostitution and your children to death. You will be divided and die in a Godless nation.
Sometimes God's word doesn't mean much to us until it hits home. When we are the one's who are dealing we don't really understand. Amos prophesies to the nation, but when he is told to get out he makes it very relevant for Amaziah. When our community hurts it hurts us all, and when it is good it is good for us all. As much as God's word is for everyone as a whole it is still written specifically for me.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Amos 5-6

Let's face it religion just doesn't cut it. Israel claimed that they longed for the "Day of the Lord" to come. Amos warns them it's not going to be as great as you think it will be. Because of their unfaithfulness it would be a day of darkness not light. This reminds of those who can't wait until Jesus returns, but never really do anything for the Kingdom of God. They sit back complaining about how bad things are now and how important they will be when the 'role is called up yonder'. Who said role would be called anyway, "Bueler, Bueler, Bueler..." Warmed church pews, dusty old Bibles, offerings for show, and Squealing out the high notes of "How great thou Art" reminds me of chpt. 5 verses 21-27. Started by the statement "I hate, I despise your religious feasts, I cannot stand your assemblies".
This brings me to the question, What's our motivation? What's our motivation for worship, giving, serving, singing, shoot for breathing. If we aren't in it to Love God and people what's the point. I guess that's what Amos was asking Israel.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Amos 3-4

This is the last for this week and we are already through 2 and half books. In the next 2 chpts. Amos tells Israel their is only going to be a remnant left. Then how about 4:1. He calls the upper class women cows. I don't know about their time and place, but around here and now, them's fightin' words. They were confident in their wealth and were just plane stuck up spoiled rotten heiffers. They had winter homes, summer homes, all Martha Stewarty, but all the wealth in the world makes little difference when you stand before a Holy God. You see Bill Gates will stand before God just like you and I. God won't care about how big our house was, what's in our bank account, and our net worth. All that will matter is that we are covered by the blood of Jesus, and that's one cover charge we can't pay on our own.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Amos 1-2

So here we go again. Another prophet, similar message. However Amos begins a message to the general population. Most prophets brought the message to the leaders or kings, but Amos goes straight to the people. The problem is that's the only difference. The message is the same. God's message is a complete judgement of Israel, and no one is exempt.
We are without excuse. We choose to live with integrity or not. We choose obedience or disobedience. The idea is we know and we decide.
Israel was politically secure but spiritually smug at this time. It is dangerous when we become self-sufficient and confident in our own abilities. Humility goes a long way toward integrity and obedient. I encourage you to stay humble, and allow your confidence to be in your Lord.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Joel 3

All I got to say is don't mess with God. We see in chpt. 3 that God has got his peoples back. It's nice to know that when you're struggling, or things don't seem to be working out that God is there in the midst of it. When the world around is desolate that we have a never ending supply of strength that comes from only one place. I hope you have an amazing day and that you draw from the Lord's strength today.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Joel 2

The first part of this chpt. is God's judgement. Next is a call to return to God, but it's a turning of the hearts not actions. Verse 13 declares rend your heart not your garments. See we often want to immediately address the outward behavior, but God is asking for the heart. We use the expression, "let's get to the heart of the matter", which is always the bigger issue. If a child is disrespectful to a parent, we don't just want to correct the behavior, we want them to understand respect.
The next call is for everyone to be a part of this repentance. Not just some but women, men, children, elders, and priests are called out to fast, pray, come together in worship, and bring offerings. A cleaning of house so to speak. Then we have the Lord's promise. A promise of provisions, protection, rain, and to bless even to make up for what the locusts had taken. Then an even greater promise of spiritual blessing even to the end. There is another day of judgement coming, but the promise that anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Keep your heart turned toward Christ. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. So be encouraged. Live in the spirit and accept God's forgiveness and live for Him. Our behavior is simply a biproduct of our relationship to Him.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Joel 1

I was watching the Mercy Me "How to Breathe" DVD and the lead singer and song writer was talking about the song "Bring me Joy Bring me Pain", while I was reading the first chapter of Joel. The guy from Mercy Me was talking about, "He will take what ever to be closer to God whether it's joy or pain". Then his next comment is "even if that means locusts". Which that is EXACTLY what Joel is speaking to Judah. There is a plague of locust which will devour everything, and what Judah had will be gone. They will only have God to call on. Joel tells them to remember this, tell your children and your children's children.
How many times have I become self sufficient (selfish). I guess the question is, "am I willing to take whatever, to remain God centered." We all want the Joy, but are we open to the pain that makes us rely on Christ.
I must admit, it was a little weird that when I was reading vs 4, the guy from Mercy Me was talking about Locusts. How does God do that?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hosea 12-14

So let's finish up Hosea. Here we go again. The same cycle continues. You know sin starts a bad cycle in our lives. We often talk about addictions, but it seems to be more of a cycle of sin. Maybe we're just addicted to sin? I don't know, but I have seem this same cycle in my life and others. I get focused on me myself and I and turn away from God, it stinks, I struggle and I want God to show up and help. Then I forget what God has done get focused on me myself and I and I turn away from God, it stinks, I struggle and want God to show up and help and so on and so on.
God gives His final take on this in the last chapter. This cycle will be broken. You will come back and see His love. I'm learning each day to break the cycle by staying focused on life in Christ only. I hope this is your pursuit. If you see this cycle in your own life, God wants to break it. Remember Hosea's ultimate message is redemption.
Have a great weekend! Worship like crazy with your church and offer your very best to God. We will pick back up Monday 21st in the book of Joel.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hosea 11

You know how sometimes your kids drive you crazy. They choose things you don't agree with. They don't listen. They act like they don't have a lick of sense, and you know that they know better. However they are still your child, and they always will be. They can break your heart, but you love them regardless. This is where God is with His people. In chpt. ll it's like a father and son. I remember when you were too young to talk back or run from me. I taught you to speak and I held your hand when you learned to walk. How many times have I turned from God, but he never turned from me. I have hurt many times for the choices I have made, but He always loves me, because I am His kid no matter what.
Today I told Emma "I am going to stop at the first purple line and you have to go the rest of the way to your kindergarten class." She looked at me nervously, but agreed and went on to class. She didn't realize I watched from the corner until she made it, and I stayed a few moments longer just to make sure. God is there whether we realize it or not, because He loves us and He is good.
I hope you remember this today, and know that you are loved.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hosea 8-10

I hope you're reading along in Hosea. I guess you notice a reoccurring theme. Israel's sin, God's call to turn away, and Israel's sin. You know this is a vicious cycle that plays out in our own lives.
Israel still makes sacrifices, and bring offerings, but they have a double life, because they also worship idols, choose immorality, and reject correction. How many come to church on Sunday and leave to their second life. God doesn't want our religious acts, He wants us and not just the Sunday part. The old hymn "I surrender all" would sound pretty dumb as "I surrender some". Israel was being called out to turn back to God, and leave their current life. There weren't multiple options here. There was no taking their current life intermingling God's standard add a pinch of pepper and tada! So, why do we limit our relationship with Christ to only part of our lives. If it is a controlled behavior based on our circumstances it is merely a religious act when we choose Him. Our relationship with Christ should be so much who we are there is no separating God and us. God wants you. You at home, work, school, in your car, near a bar, when you travel far, if you went to a star, in a jar, I have run out of words with "ar", but I hope you get the picture. Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hosea 6-7

So Hosea is back on the scene telling Israel come on let's turn back to God. He will take us back and restore like the spring rains that bring new growth. These two chapters share God's biggest beef with Israel. You see it written several times, "you do not acknowledge God". I think about how many days do I go through doing everything I'm suppose to but never REALLY acknowledge God. We see the descriptions of Ephraim and Judah, scattered, easily influenced, weak, arrogant, not concerned with truth. I think we could fit this description. Our nation is so scattered now. We are more divided now than we have ever been. We cave to everyone elses views so we don't offend anyone, we assume what we have can't be lost, and whatever someone believes is OK whether it's true or not. God not allowed in Courts, Schools, Official public buildings, don't pray(moment of silence anyone, the rocks will cry out), and by all means don't mention the name of Jesus. Will we acknowledge God? OK I'm off my soap box

Monday, September 14, 2009

Hosea 4-5

Why are they called the minor prophets? There's nothing minor about what God had Hosea tell Isreal. Not to mention no minor sacrifice in marrying Gomer. So God used Hosea and Gomer's marriage to demonstrate what He would do for His people. Even though Isreal was like Gomer in that they were worshipping other gods and idols and were disobedient, He would pay there price for their sin like Hosea did for Gomer. Ever hear of Jesus that is exactly what He did for us on the cross.
Now in Chpt. 4 Hosea shares God's charge against Isreal. Another great task for Hosea. Being a prophet is dangerous work, although it would be kind of cool to tell people about themselves with God's permission. So, Hosea tells them you're unfaithful, unloving, idiots, who curse, lie, steal, murder, and invent new ways to be disobedient. Then how 'bout vs 5 the ultimate "Yo Momma". On top of that the priests want to blame it on the people of Isreal, but they are just as bad and more responsible because they should know better.
chpt. 5:Now it's time for the consequences. Hosea tells them basically you are on your own and don't whine and complain when you are sick, beaten down, and destroyed. You chose this, and it won't get better until in your misery you admit your fault and earnestly seek God (repentance).
Not the message you would want to deliver in person. Too bad Hosea didn't have e-mail, facebook, twitter, or a blog.
I hope you have a great day. Confess any sin and earnestly seek God, and don't whine and complain if you choose your own way and not God's. Blog ya tomorrow.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Wow - look...I helped Darrell set up a blog! First facebook, now this....could it be that Darrell Brown is finally entering the 21st century???