Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hosea 6-7

So Hosea is back on the scene telling Israel come on let's turn back to God. He will take us back and restore like the spring rains that bring new growth. These two chapters share God's biggest beef with Israel. You see it written several times, "you do not acknowledge God". I think about how many days do I go through doing everything I'm suppose to but never REALLY acknowledge God. We see the descriptions of Ephraim and Judah, scattered, easily influenced, weak, arrogant, not concerned with truth. I think we could fit this description. Our nation is so scattered now. We are more divided now than we have ever been. We cave to everyone elses views so we don't offend anyone, we assume what we have can't be lost, and whatever someone believes is OK whether it's true or not. God not allowed in Courts, Schools, Official public buildings, don't pray(moment of silence anyone, the rocks will cry out), and by all means don't mention the name of Jesus. Will we acknowledge God? OK I'm off my soap box

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder Darrell--I never really take the time to acknowledge God and all his glory.
