Monday, September 21, 2009

Joel 1

I was watching the Mercy Me "How to Breathe" DVD and the lead singer and song writer was talking about the song "Bring me Joy Bring me Pain", while I was reading the first chapter of Joel. The guy from Mercy Me was talking about, "He will take what ever to be closer to God whether it's joy or pain". Then his next comment is "even if that means locusts". Which that is EXACTLY what Joel is speaking to Judah. There is a plague of locust which will devour everything, and what Judah had will be gone. They will only have God to call on. Joel tells them to remember this, tell your children and your children's children.
How many times have I become self sufficient (selfish). I guess the question is, "am I willing to take whatever, to remain God centered." We all want the Joy, but are we open to the pain that makes us rely on Christ.
I must admit, it was a little weird that when I was reading vs 4, the guy from Mercy Me was talking about Locusts. How does God do that?

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