Friday, September 18, 2009

Hosea 12-14

So let's finish up Hosea. Here we go again. The same cycle continues. You know sin starts a bad cycle in our lives. We often talk about addictions, but it seems to be more of a cycle of sin. Maybe we're just addicted to sin? I don't know, but I have seem this same cycle in my life and others. I get focused on me myself and I and turn away from God, it stinks, I struggle and I want God to show up and help. Then I forget what God has done get focused on me myself and I and I turn away from God, it stinks, I struggle and want God to show up and help and so on and so on.
God gives His final take on this in the last chapter. This cycle will be broken. You will come back and see His love. I'm learning each day to break the cycle by staying focused on life in Christ only. I hope this is your pursuit. If you see this cycle in your own life, God wants to break it. Remember Hosea's ultimate message is redemption.
Have a great weekend! Worship like crazy with your church and offer your very best to God. We will pick back up Monday 21st in the book of Joel.

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