Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hosea 11

You know how sometimes your kids drive you crazy. They choose things you don't agree with. They don't listen. They act like they don't have a lick of sense, and you know that they know better. However they are still your child, and they always will be. They can break your heart, but you love them regardless. This is where God is with His people. In chpt. ll it's like a father and son. I remember when you were too young to talk back or run from me. I taught you to speak and I held your hand when you learned to walk. How many times have I turned from God, but he never turned from me. I have hurt many times for the choices I have made, but He always loves me, because I am His kid no matter what.
Today I told Emma "I am going to stop at the first purple line and you have to go the rest of the way to your kindergarten class." She looked at me nervously, but agreed and went on to class. She didn't realize I watched from the corner until she made it, and I stayed a few moments longer just to make sure. God is there whether we realize it or not, because He loves us and He is good.
I hope you remember this today, and know that you are loved.

1 comment:

  1. You made me cry!!! I can't let go just yet - I still walk her to her classroom! I pray that both our girls will grab hold of the lessons we have instilled in them since Jesus like crazy, always offer God your very Him even when it seems impossible! They not only have an amazing heavenly father that adores them...they have an incredible daddy who is a reflection of Christ. I love you - I adore you - and I thank God for you! You are the best husband and daddy in the world!
