Monday, September 14, 2009

Hosea 4-5

Why are they called the minor prophets? There's nothing minor about what God had Hosea tell Isreal. Not to mention no minor sacrifice in marrying Gomer. So God used Hosea and Gomer's marriage to demonstrate what He would do for His people. Even though Isreal was like Gomer in that they were worshipping other gods and idols and were disobedient, He would pay there price for their sin like Hosea did for Gomer. Ever hear of Jesus that is exactly what He did for us on the cross.
Now in Chpt. 4 Hosea shares God's charge against Isreal. Another great task for Hosea. Being a prophet is dangerous work, although it would be kind of cool to tell people about themselves with God's permission. So, Hosea tells them you're unfaithful, unloving, idiots, who curse, lie, steal, murder, and invent new ways to be disobedient. Then how 'bout vs 5 the ultimate "Yo Momma". On top of that the priests want to blame it on the people of Isreal, but they are just as bad and more responsible because they should know better.
chpt. 5:Now it's time for the consequences. Hosea tells them basically you are on your own and don't whine and complain when you are sick, beaten down, and destroyed. You chose this, and it won't get better until in your misery you admit your fault and earnestly seek God (repentance).
Not the message you would want to deliver in person. Too bad Hosea didn't have e-mail, facebook, twitter, or a blog.
I hope you have a great day. Confess any sin and earnestly seek God, and don't whine and complain if you choose your own way and not God's. Blog ya tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Great message Darrell. I think we do that a lot. Honestly, my biggest problem right now is trying to figure out how to tell if God is talking to me and what he is saying. How do you know the difference between your will and God's? Most of the time, I'm not sure.
